Thank you for coming.
Our goal is to inspire, motivate and challenge each of us to have a closer love relationship with God our Heavenly Father, and with His Son the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our goal in the articles and books that we write is to share the message of the Scriptures of both the Old and New Testament from a conservative Christian viewpoint. We believe the Scriptures are the holy, inspired Word of God.
If we are searching and open-minded, the Scriptures can teach us about who God is and who we are, and how we can be reconciled and have a relationship with God. We try to write in a way that would be interesting and helpful to people from many different religious backgrounds, or even no religious background.
For this reason, we include articles and information written by people from different backgrounds. We believe that it’s important to focus on what we have in common and how we can help and encourage each other, rather than focusing on our differences that would separate and divide us. We hope and pray your family can benefit from the content of this publication. Feel free to send us your comments and suggestions.
Perhaps this is a good place to mention, that we believe the relationships within the family are the foundation of society. The condition of society and the world, reflects the values and attitudes that are present in the family. If God’s love is not in the family, then there’s no hope to have love in the world. Government and political leaders cannot put love in the world, or in the family. It has to come from God!
Our goal is to inspire, motivate and challenge each of us to have a closer love relationship with God our Heavenly Father, and with His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. Our articles, poems, and stories are centered on this message, and on the experiences of having a relationship journey with God.
Just so you know, before we write, we have a practice of praying and asking God to inspire us with His words of love, from His heart of love, to our hearts. God bless you and your family.
The Legge Family